Saturday, June 22, 2024

Recent pots

 I haven't been active on my blog lately and to compensate for that I am posting an image featuring mostly my recent pots.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Success at 19th Contemporary Small Bonsai Pot Artists Exhibition held in conjunction with 49th Gafu Exhibition, January 2024, Kyoto, Japan

I truly abandoned my blog… Too much typing hurts my hands these days. I feel like I can get away with writing anything here because no one reads it! Anyway, I am writing suddenly because I won a bronze award in glazed pot category at Gafu-ten this year! The pot in question is the result of hundreds of less successful attempts made after more than ten years of my participation in dozens of wood-kiln firings. The pot was made at Macquarie Hill Potters studio and fired in the Ceramic Study Group wood kiln between two COVID lockdowns in 2020. As a hobby potter, I am especially proud of this achievement because I competed against the best Japanese professional craftsmen. Anyway, below are the photos.