
Sunday, October 21, 2007

My daughter's recovery

Today my daughter is sick and I got a day off. While she was having a nap, I got a chance to prune one of my prospective bonsai trees. It is a small Trident Maple. I got it on sale from a hardware store about a month ago (left image). Since then I planted it in a bigger pot, bent its lower trunk and cut its entire upper crown (right image). Now, one of the former side branches is the new apex. I am yet to wire and bend the branches, but it will take a couple of years of pruning and wiring for it to become a bonsai. When my daughter woke up, she felt much better and her temperature came down.

P. S. To see what I did with this tree 3 years later see the following entry:

Friday, October 19, 2007

Growing Bonsai

My son is 11 cm taller than me now.

It has been more than a year since I started a regular non-research job in a zoo. I am unhappy with my job and I deal with it by growing bonsai. Crazy...

I still haven't published many of my research papers, which makes it even more annoying.